Python3 でマルバツゲームを自分ならどう書くだろう?
一番最初の課題:三目並べ(マルバツゲームとも TicTacToe ともいう)の実装。
- ベタ書きを避ける(定数を使う)
- 入出力とロジックは分離する(テストしやすくする+移植しやすくする)
バージョンは Python 3.8.3 anaconda
class TicTacToe: CELL_EMPTY = '_' CELL_CROSS = 'X' CELL_ZERO = 'O' STATE_DRAW = 'D' PUTABLE_STONE = ['X', 'O'] def __init__(self): self.game_board: list[list[str]] = self.init_board() self.last_position: list = [] def init_board(self): return [[TicTacToe.CELL_EMPTY] * 3 for n in range(3)] def board(self): return self.game_board[:] # return copy def put_stone(self, x: int, y: int, color: str) -> bool: if x > 2 or y > 2: return False # Out of board if color not in [TicTacToe.CELL_CROSS, TicTacToe.CELL_ZERO]: return False # Cant putable stone if self.game_board[y][x] != TicTacToe.CELL_EMPTY: return False # Cannot put if self.is_finished() != TicTacToe.CELL_EMPTY: return False # game is already finished self.last_position = [x, y, color] self.game_board[y][x] = color return True def is_finished(self) -> str: if len(self.last_position) < 3: return TicTacToe.CELL_EMPTY x = self.last_position[0] y = self.last_position[1] put_color = self.last_position[2] # x 軸判定 if self.game_board[0][x] == put_color \ and self.game_board[1][x] == put_color \ and self.game_board[2][x] == put_color: return put_color # y軸判定 if self.game_board[y][0] == put_color \ and self.game_board[y][1] == put_color \ and self.game_board[y][2] == put_color: return put_color # cross \ if self.game_board[0][0] == put_color \ and self.game_board[1][1] == put_color \ and self.game_board[2][2] == put_color: return put_color # cross / if self.game_board[0][2] == put_color \ and self.game_board[1][1] == put_color \ and self.game_board[2][0] == put_color: return put_color # return empty if you can put stone. for cx in range(0, 3): for cy in range(0, 3): if self.game_board[cy][cx] == TicTacToe.CELL_EMPTY: return TicTacToe.CELL_EMPTY # Draw return TicTacToe.STATE_DRAW def display(board): for ls in board: line = ' '.join(ls) print(line) def input_asInt(axis: str) -> int: while True: value = input(f'Please input stone position {axis}(0-2):') try: conv = int(value) if conv < 0 and conv > 2: print('please input 0-2') continue return conv except ValueError: print('Oops! Is not a integer. Try again...') def input_stone_pos(ttt: TicTacToe, stone: str): input_is_valid = False while not input_is_valid: print(f'Current turn is {stone}') x_pos = input_asInt('x') y_pos = input_asInt('y') print(f'{x_pos}, {y_pos}') if ttt.put_stone(x_pos, y_pos, stone): return print('Sorry failed to put stone. Try again...') if __name__ == "__main__": tic_tac_toe = TicTacToe() turn_num = 0 finish_state = TicTacToe.CELL_EMPTY while finish_state == TicTacToe.CELL_EMPTY: # 表示 display(tic_tac_toe.board()) # 今のターンの石の色を指定して、入力を受ける put_color = TicTacToe.PUTABLE_STONE[turn_num % 2] input_stone_pos(tic_tac_toe, put_color) # このターンの終了ステータスを取得する finish_state = tic_tac_toe.is_finished() turn_num += 1 if finish_state == TicTacToe.STATE_DRAW: print('Game is draw!') else: print(f'Winner is {finish_state}')
前略--- X _ O O O X X _ X Current turn is O Please input stone position x(0-2):1 Please input stone position y(0-2):2 1, 2 X _ O O O X X O X Current turn is X Please input stone position x(0-2):1 Please input stone position y(0-2):0 1, 0 Game is draw!