Google 先生で採用している Diff ライブラリ。
jar 配布なしで、ソースでの提供です。Apache2 ライセンスなので、安心して使えますね。
各種言語で可能な限り同じ使い勝手を想定しているのか、命名規則が snake case だったりするのですが、まぁご愛嬌でしょう。
- Specs2
- Scala2.10.x
- sbt13.0 の環境で動作確認
package utils.models import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ class DiffMatchPatch extends Specification { val base = """ |# The first chapter. |Non editable line. |Updating first point. |The second edit point. |Conflicted edit point. |First chapter end. """.stripMargin val updateFirst = """ |# The first chapter. |Non editable line. |Update first. |The second edit point. |Conflicted: updated by first changeset. |First chapter end. | |# The Second Chapter By First Change set. | |This message is created with first change set. |Is diff_match_patch's coding rule are best way? """.stripMargin "Diff match patch" should { "Get difference with updateFirst" in { val diff = new diff_match_patch() val lines = diff.diff_linesToChars(base, updateFirst) val (text1, text2, lineArray) = (lines.chars1, lines.chars2, lines.lineArray) val result = diff.diff_main(text1, text2, false) diff.diff_charsToLines(result, lineArray) result.foreach(v => println("%s %s".format(v.operation, v.text)) ) true } } }
EQUAL # The first chapter. Non editable line. DELETE Updating first point. INSERT Update first. EQUAL The second edit point. DELETE Conflicted edit point. INSERT Conflicted: updated by first changeset. EQUAL First chapter end. INSERT # The Second Chapter By First Change set. This message is created with first change set. Is diff_match_patch's coding rule are best way? EQUAL
尚、diff_linesToChars を使わずに呼び出すと、単語どころか、愚直に全部の差分を洗ってくるので注意が必要。