

Redmine3 に Backlogs を入れるメモ

先日入れた Redmine 3.3 にBacklogs を突っ込んでみる。


確かに Gem 競合を除いてしまえば入るっちゃ入る。

[root@localhost redmine]# RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake redmine:backlogs:install
3.3.4.stable.16875. You are running backlogs v1.0.6, latest version is 1.0.6

             Redmine Backlogs Installer
Installing to the production environment.
Fetching card labels from http://git.gnome.org...done!
Configuring story and task trackers...
Which trackers do you want to use for your stories?
  1. ストーリー
  2. バグ
  3. 機能
  4. サポート
Separate values with a space (e.g. 1 3): 1
You selected the following trackers: ストーリー. Is this correct? (y/n) y
Which tracker do you want to use for your tasks?
  1. バグ
  2. 機能
  3. サポート
Choose one from above (or choose none to create a new tracker): 3
You selected サポート. Is this correct? (y/n) y
Story and task trackers are now set.
Migrating the database...WARNING:  進行中のトランザクションがありません
Installation complete. Please restart Redmine.
Thank you for trying out Redmine Backlogs!
[root@localhost redmine]#